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Batman in Order #15: Detective Comics Issue 40 (1940)

By: Karl Stern (Patreon / Facebook / Email)

The 15th appearance of The Batman took place in the June 1940 issue of Detective Comics Issue 40. This is the second issue of Detective Comics that takes place after Batman gets his solo series. This issue is significant in that it introduces recurring Batman villain Clayface!

Batman finds himself wrapped up in a movie murder mystery by way of his alter ego of Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is on the set of a horror movie with his fiancé Julie who has become an actress with a roll in the film. Events unfold where another actress is murdered legitimately during her scene and Batman and Robin investigate. Like most early Batman stories, the mob is a suspect as they are running a protection racket on the movie producer.

Batman and Robin bust in to disrupt the extortion attempt but ultimately discover that the mobsters are not behind the murder, they were only taking advantage of the fear surrounding the murder and exploiting it.

Essentially, all the actors and crew are suspects and Batman must investigate them one by one to discover who the true murderer is.

During Batman’s investigation, he discovers one of the suspects, a man named Walker, dying. Walker gives Batman the word ‘Clayface’. Batman ponders who could Clayface be. Interestingly, Batman seems to think of everyone except who actually turns out to be Clayface.

While Batman is investigating, Robin is poking around the movie set which features a giant castle and a moat. Clayface attacks Robin, knocking him off the high castle wall into the watery moat below. Fortunately, Batman sees this, dives in, and saves Robin. But they now have Clayface spotted and see he is about to murder Julie by throwing a dagger at her. It is actually Robin who attacks and defeats Clayface. Robin continues to be portrayed as a very competent fighter.

At last, we get the big unmasking of Clayface. Batman wipes away the make-up to revel former horror movie actor Basil Karlo (and obvious take on horror movie star and make-up artist Boris Karloff!). With Karlo tied up and being unmasked you almost expect him to cry out, “And I’d have gotten away with it too if it hadn’t been for these meddling kids!”. Clayface will live to fight another day, however. Batman and Robin manage not to kill anyone in this issue.

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The Batman Timeline and Chronology:

  • 03-30-1939: 1st Appearance of The Batman & Commissioner Gordon. Detective Comics issue 27.

  • 06-1939: Batman swings from building to building with a rope for the first time. Detective Comics issue 28.

  • 07-1939: The Utility Belt is used for the first time.

  • 09-1939: Fiancée Julie Madison is introduced. First Bat-Copter / Bat-Plane

  • 10-1939: Batman uses a gun to kill The Monk.

  • 11-1939: Batman kills Dr. Kruger by causing his plane to crash after knocking him out with gas. Origin of Batman.

  • 12-1939: Batman is depicted holding a smoking gun. Commissioner Gordon returns.

  • 02-1940: First appearance of Prof. Hugo Strange.

  • 04-1940: First appearance of Robin (Dick Grayson). Robin kills a mobster.

  • 04-1940: First appearance of the Joker and Catwoman (AKA: The Cat).

  • 06-1940: First appearance of Clayface.

Batman Kill Count: 14

Robin Kill Count: 1

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