Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling - A Time Line of Every Major Event in Pro Wrestling History - 2000
By: Karl Stern
01-04-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) holds Wrestling World 2000 at the Tokyo Egg Dome with an announced attendance of 63,500. Results: IWGP Junior tag team championship: Shinjiro Otani & Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeated Kendo Kashin & Minoru Tanaka… Shiro Koshinaka defeated Satoshi Kojima… Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit)… IWGP Junior heavyweight championship: Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Koji Kanemoto… Manabu Nakanishi defeated Kenzo Suzuki… Kazuo Yamazaki retirement match: Yuji Nagata defeated Kazuo Yamazaki… Kimo defeated Kazuyuki Fujita… Scott Norton defeated Don Frye… Rick Steiner defeated Randy Savage… Shinya Hashimoto & Takashi Iizuka defeated Kazunari Murakami & Naoya Ogawa… Masahiro Chono defeated Keiji Muto… IWGP heavyweight title: Kensuke Sasaki defeated Genichiro Tenryu.
01-05-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Willie Takayama beat Tarec Pasca… Genki Misae beat Kaori Nakayama… Koji Nakagawa & Jado & Gedo beat Hideki Hosaka & Yoshinori Sasaki & Naohiro Yamazaki… Kintaro Kanemura beat Flying Kid Ichihara… Kodo Fuyuki & Kyoko Inoue & Balls Mahoney & Pitbull 1 beat H & Mr. Gannosuke & Hisakatsu Oya & Ricky Fuji… Tetsuhiro Kuroda pinned Masato Tanaka to win the WEW title.
01-09-2000: ECW Guilty as Charged: in Birmingham, AL: Boutwell Auditorium drawing 4,700: Shown live on PPV: CW Anderson pinned Mikey Whipwreck… Simon Diamond & Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill defeated Nova & Kid Kash & Jazz… Yoshihiro Tajiri & Super Crazy beat Jerry Lynn & Little Guido… Angel pinned New Jack… ECW TV champion Rob Van Dam pinned Sabu… Justin Credible & Lance Storm beat Tommy Dreamer & Raven to win the ECW tag team titles… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Spike Dudley
01-15-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Philadelphia, PA: ECW Arena drawing 1,850: Spike Dudley pinned Erik Watts… Simon Diamond pinned CW Anderson… Nova pinned Mikey Whipwreck… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Tommy Dreamer & Raven… Super Crazy pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri in a Mexican death match… Angel pinned New Jack… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Spike Dudley.
01-16-2000: WCW Souled Out PPV: in Cincinnati, OH: Firstar Center drawing 14,132: Billy Kidman beat Dean Malenko in a catch-as-catch-can match… Vampiro beat David Flair and Crowbar in a triangle match… Big Vito & Johnny the Bull beat Ron & Don Harris… Oklahoma (Ed Ferrera) pinned Madusa to win the WCW Cruiserweight title… WCW Hardcore champion Brian Knobs beat Fit Finlay and Norman Smiley and Meng in a four corners match… Billy Kidman pinned Perry Saturn in a bunkhouse match… Booker T beat Stevie Ray via DQ… Tank Abbott defeated Jerry Flynn… Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page… The Wall pinned Billy Kidman in a steel cage match… Kevin Nash pinned Terry Funk to become WCW Commissioner… Chris Benoit beat Sid Vicious to win the vacant WCW World heavyweight title. Benoit's victory was later reversed because he quit the promotion the next day.
01-22-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in New Orleans, LA: Lakefront Arena drawing 3,000: Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Kid Kash & Nova and The Dupps in a three way dance… Simon Diamond beat Jazz… Super Crazy beat Ricky Banderas… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Little Guido… Steve Corino & Rhino beat Tommy Dreamer & Josh Wilcox… Sabu beat CW Anderson… ECW World champion Mike Awesome beat Spike Dudley… Vic Grimes & Angel beat New Jack & Balls Mahoney in a street fight match… ECW TV champion Rob Van Dam pinned Masato Tanaka.
01-23-2000: WWF Royal Rumble in New York City, NY at Madison Square Garden drawing 19,231… Tazz defeated Kurt Angle… Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley in a "double tables' match… Mae Young won the Miss Royal Rumble Contest. Also in the contest were: B.B., Ivory, Jacquelyn, Miss Kitty, Luna, and Terri Runnels. The judges were: Freddie Blassie, Fabulous Moolah, Tony Garea, Andy Richter, Sgt. Slaughter, and Johnny Valiant… Chris Jericho defeated Chyna and Hardcore Holly to reclaim sole possession of the WWF Intercontinental title when he pinned Holly. Note: Jericho and Chyna had been "co-champions."… WWF World tag team champions The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Road Dogg) defeated The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Farooq)… WWF Champion Triple H defeated Cactus Jack in a street fight match… The Rock (Dewayne Johnson) won the Royal Rumble. Also in the match were: Bob Backlund, Steve Blackman, Big Bossman, Big Show, Bradshaw, British Bulldog, D-Lo Brown, Christian, Brian Christopher, Chyna, Edge, Farooq, Gangrel, The Godfather, Billy Gunn, Headbanger Mosh, Crash Holly, Hardcore Holly, Chris Jericho, Kane, Rikishi Fatu, Prince Albert (Matt Bloom), Road Dogg, Al Snow, Scott Taylor, Test, Val Venis, Viscera, and X-Pac.
01-28-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Ft. Lauderdale, FL: War Memorial Auditorium drawing 2,000: Kid Kash & Chris Chetti & Nova beat CW Anderson & Bill Wiles & Simon Diamond… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat The Dupps… Little Guido beat Super Crazy and Yoshihiro Tajiri in a three way dance… Raven pinned Erik Watts… Vic Grimes & Angel beat New Jack & Balls Mahoney… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Masato Tanaka… Tommy Dreamer & Dusty Rhodes beat Steve Corino & Rhino… ECW TV champion Rob Van Dam pinned Mikey Whipwreck.
02-05-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Tallahassee, FL: Civic Center drawing 2,000: Erik Watts beat Prodigy… Little Guido beat Chaz Taylor… Kid Kash beat Simon Diamond… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Spike Dudley beat The Dupps in a handicap match… Super Crazy beat CW Anderson… Tommy Dreamer pinned Mikey Whipwreck… Justin Credible battled Raven to no contest… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Masato Tanaka.
02-19-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Milwaukee, WI: The Rave drawing 2,250: Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat The Dupps in a loser leaves ECW match… CW Anderson & Bill Wiles beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Sandman battled Rhino to a no contest… Jazz beat Simon Diamond… Masato Tanaka beat Angel… Super Crazy beat Little Guido and Yoshihiro Tajiri in a three way dance… ECW tag team champions Justin Credible & Lance Storm beat Tommy Dreamer & Raven… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Spike Dudley.
02-20-2000: WCW Super Brawl 10: in San Francisco, CA: The Cow Palace drawing 8,569: Shown live on PPV: The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea pinned Lash LeRoux to win the vacant WCW Cruiserweight title… Brian Knobbs pinned Bam Bam Bigelow to win the WCW Hardcore title… Three Count (Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias & Shane Helmes) beat Norman Smiley in a handicap… The Wall pinned The Demon (Dale Torborg)… Tank Abbott beat Big Al in a leather jack on a pole match… Big T (Tony Norris AKA: Ahmed Johnson) pinned Booker T… Billy Kidman pinned Vampiro… WCW World tag team champions Big Vito & Johnny the Bull beat David Flair & Crowbar in a Sicilian stretcher match… Ric Flair beat Terry Funk in a Texas death match… Hulk Hogan pinned Lex Luger… WCW World champion Sid Vicious beat Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett in a triangle match when he pinned Hall.
New Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall drawing 11,500: Dr. Wagner, Jr. & Kendo Kashin beat Shinjiro Ohtani & Tatsuhito Takaiwa… Takashi Iizuka beat Hiro Saito… Super J pinned Tadao Yasuda… Tatsutoshi Goto beat Junji Hirata… Shiro Koshinaka pinned Michiyoshi Ohara… Akira pinned Koji Kanemoto… Satoshi Kojima pinned Jushin Liger… Manabu Nakanishi beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan… Don Frye beat Yuji Nagata… Shinya Hashimoto pinned Scott Norton… Kensuke Sasaki beat Masahiro Chono… Masahiro Chono beat Kensuke Sasaki.
02-21-2000: WWF Raw in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia Dome drawing 27,464: Shown live on USA (5.9 rating): Dark match: Bull Buchanan beat Rukkus… Dark match: The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) beat Tracey Smothers & Rick Michaels… Dark match: Sho Funaki pinned David Young… Kurt Angle & British Bulldog beat Chris Jericho & Chyna… Too Cool (Grand Master Sexay & Scotty Too Hottie) beat Al Snow & Steve Blackman… Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn beat The Godfather & D-Lo Brown… Edge & Christian & Matt & Jeff Hardy beat The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Road Dogg) & The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley)… The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Mark Henry beat The Hollys (Hardcore & Crash Holly) & Viscera… Chris Benoit pinned Test… Rikishi Fatu pinned Eddie Guerrero… Tazz beat Big Bossman via DQ… Big Show & Hunter Hearst Helmsley & X-Pac beat Cactus Jack & The Rock, & Kane.
02-25-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Ricky Fuji beat Flying Kid Ichihara… Balls Mahoney beat Crazy Boy and Lance Cade in a triangle match… Asuza Kudo beat Kaori Nakayama & Emi Motokawa in a handicap match… Koji Nakagawa & Gedo beat Kintaro Kanemura & Jado and Hisakatsu Oya & Naohiro Yamazaki and Hideki Hosaka & Yoshinori Sasaki in a four corners match… Tetsuhiro Kuroda defeated Willie Takayama… Kodo Fuyuki & Kyoko Inoue beat H & Mr. Gannosuke to win the WEW tag team title.
02-26-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Cincinnati, OH: Convention Center drawing 2,650: Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Little Guido & Sal E. Graziano… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Mikey Whipwreck… Rhino pinned Jazz… Super Crazy beat CW Anderson… Kid Kash & Chris Chetti & Nova beat Tony DeVito & Vic Grimes & Angel… Sabu beat Scott D'Amore… ECW World champion Mike Awesome beat Rhino… Tommy Dreamer & Masato Tanaka beat Justin Credible & Lance Storm to win the ECW tag team titles.
The fourth annual independent Super 8 tournament is held in Wilmington, DE and is won by Christopher Daniels. The other seven in the tournament were: Scoot Andrews, Trent Acid, Chad Collyer, Shark Boy, Jet Jaguar (who was injured and replaced by previous winner Ace Darling), Jeff Peterson, and Vic Capri.
RINGS: King of Kings 1999: Grand Final in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 13,000: Renato Babalu beat Mikhail Ilioukhine… Dan Henderson beat Gilbert Yvel via unanimous decision… Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera beat Andrei Kopilov via split decision… Kiyoshi Tamura beat Renzo Gracie via unanimous decision… Bobby Hoffman defeated Grom Zaza… Dan Henderson beat Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera via split decision…. Renato Babalu beat Kiyoshi Tamura via split decision… Christopher Haseman beat Brad Kohler… Dan Henderson beat Renato Babalu via split decision to win the King of Kings Tournament 1999.
02-27-2000: WWF No Way Out PPV: in Hartford, CT at the Civic Center drawing 12,551: Kurt Angle pinned Chris Jericho to win the WWF Intercontinental title… Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) beat The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) to win the WWF World tag team titles… Mark Henry pinned Viscera (Nelson Frazier)… Edge & Christian beat Matt & Jeff Hardy… Tazz beat Big Bossman via DQ… X-Pac pinned Kane in a "no DQ" match… Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Grand Master Sexay) & Rikishi beat Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko & Chris Benoit… Big Show pinned The Rock… WWF World Champ Triple H pinned Cactus Jack in a Hell in a Cell match. This was Foley's retirement match.
All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Yoshinobu Kanemura & Kentaro Shiga beat Masao Inoue & Makoto Hashi… Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Haruka Eigen & Masa Fuchi beat Rusher Kimura & Mitsuo Momota & Takeshi Morishima… Maunukea Mossman & Daisuke Ikeda beat Yoshinori Ogawa & Masamichi Marufuji… Takao Omori & Yoshihiro Takayama beat Tamon Honda & Jun Izumida… Stan Hansen & Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue beat Johnny Smith & Steve Williams & Giant Kamala II (Ben Peacock)… Jun Akiyama pinned Mitsuharu Misawa… Kenta Kobashi pinned Vader (Leon White) to win the All Japan Triple Crown title.
02-28-2000: WWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 12,256: The Rock defeated Triple H & Big Show in a handicap match… The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) battled X-Pac (Sean Waltman) & Road Dogg to a no contest… Tazz defeated Chris Benoit by DQ… Mark Henry battled Crash Holly to a no contest… Chris Jericho defeated Perry Saturn… The Rock defeated Brooklyn Brawler (Steve Lombardi)… Edge & Christian defeated Al Snow & Steve Blackman… Rikishi (AKA: Fatu) defeated WWF European champion Kurt Angle by count out… Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated Farooq & Bradshaw… The Godfather (Charles Wright) & D’Lo Brown defeated Big Bossman & Albert (Matt Bloom)… Essa Rios defeated Sho Funaki… The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) defeated Kevin Landry & Inferno Kid… Test defeated Mideon.
Inside Wrestling Magazine March 2000 featuring Kevin Nash and Scott Hall on the Cover.
03-04-2000: ECW: in Philadelphia, PA: ECW Arena drawing 1,500: Raven & Mike Awesome beat Tommy Dreamer & Masato Tanaka to win the ECW tag team titles.
03-05-2000: AAA: Rey de Reyes 2000: in Naucalpan, Mexico: El Toreo: La Parkita & Mascarita Sagrada 2000 & Octagoncito beat Mini Abismo Negro & Mini Psicosis & Rocky Marvin… Abismo Negro beat Dos Caras Sr. and Killer and Psicosis in an elimination match… El Alebrije beat Oscar Sevilla and Maniaco and Electroshock in an elimination match… Charly Manson beat Path Finder and Histeria and Mascara Sagrada Jr. in an elimination match… Cibernetico beat El Mexicano and Espectro Jr. and Blue Demon Jr. in an elimination match… Perro Aguayo Jr. & Heavy Metal & Hector Garza & Octagon beat El Cobarde & Pirata Morgan & Sangre Chicana & Texano… Pentagon II beat Oriental… Abismo Negro beat Cibernetico and El Alebrije and Charly Manson in an elimination match to win the Rey de Reyes 2000… La Parka II beat Gigante Drako in a mask vs. mask match.
03-11-2000: Rikidozan Memorial Show 2000 in Yokohama, Japan: Yokohama Arena drawing 9,000: Magnum Tokyo (Toryumon) & Gran Hamada (Michinoku Pro) beat Sumo Fuji & Cima (Team Toryumon)… Naoki Sano (Takada Dojo) pinned Yuki Ishikawa (Battlearts)… Yuki Kondo (Pancrase) beat Kan Tenjun… Commando Boirshoi (JWP) & Yumiko Hotta (AJW) beat Ran Yuyu & Kayoko Haruyama (Team JWP)… Yoshiko Tamura & Yuka Nakamura & Kyoko Inoue (Team New Ladies) beat Dynamite Kansai & Tsubasa Kuragaki & Azumi Hyuga (Team JWP)… Yoshiaki Fujiwara beat Satoru Sayama… Junji Hirata (NJPW) & Ryuma Go (Go Gudan) beat Tadao Yasuda & Osamu Kido (Team New Japan)… Hideki Takizawa pinned Antonio Inoki in an exhibition match. Takizawa is a teen pop star and this was not a true match… Ryuji Yamikawa & Tomoaki Honma (Team Big Japan) beat Naoki Yamazaki & H (Team FMW)… Yoji Anjoh beat Tarzan Goto via DQ… Genichiro Tenryu (WAR) & BB Jones (Ron Reis) beat Shinya Hashimoto (NJPW) & Naoya Ogawa (UFO).
03-12-2000: ECW Living Dangerously 2000: in Danbury, CT: O'Neill Center drawing 4,000: Shown live on PPV: Dark match: Mikey Whipwreck beat Pitbull 1… Dusty Rhodes pinned Steve Corino in a bullrope match… CW Anderson & Bill Whiles beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Kid Kash… Nova & Chris Chetti beat Gedo & Jado… Rhino beat Sandman via forfeit… Super Crazy pinned Little Guido… Balls Mahoney pinned Kentaro Kanemura… New Jack battles Vic Grimes to a no contest… Lance Storm & Justin Credible beat Raven & Mike Awesome and Tommy Dreamer & Masato Tanaka in a three way dance to win the ECW tag team titles… Super Crazy pinned Rhino to win the vacant ECW TV title.
03-17-2000: CMLL: in Mexico City, Mexico: Arena Mexico drawing 20,000: Shown live on Mexican PPV: Ricky Marvin beat Sangre Azteca… Arkangel & Dr. O'Borman & Ultimo Guerrera & Zumbido & Rencor Latino & Mr. Mexico & Violencia & Rey Bucanero beat Tigre Blanco & Mascara Magica & Astro Rey Jr. & Starman & Antifaz & Tony Rivera & Safari & Olimpico in an elimination match. Ultimo Guerrero was the sole survivor… Brazo de Plata & Mr. Niebla & Emilio Charles Jr. beat Apollo Dantes & Cien Caras & Universo 2000… Shocker & Mascara Ano 2000 & Scorpio Jr. beat Perro Aguayo & Tarzan Boy & Rayo de Jalisco Jr… Atlantis beat Villano III in a mask vs. mask match.
03-18-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Salem, NH: Ice House drawing 3,000: HC Loc pinned Chilly Willy… Chris Chetti & Nova beat Simon Diamond & Mikey Whipwreck… Little Guido beat Kid Kash… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill & Dusty Rhodes beat Erik Watts & Bill Wiles & CW Anderson… ECW TV champion Super Crazy pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri in a death match… Rhino pinned Balls Mahoney… Tommy Dreamer pinned Vic Grimes… ECW tag team champions Lance Storm & Justin Credible beat Mike Awesome & Raven.
03-19-2000: WCW Uncensored 6: in Miami, FL: American Airlines Arena drawing 5,000: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion The Artist pinned Psicosis… Norman Smiley & Kiss Demon (Dale Torborg) beat Lenny Lane & Rave… Bam Bam Bigelow beat The Wall via DQ… Brian Knobbs beat Three Count (Shane Helmes & Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias) to win the WCW Hardcore title… Billy Kidman & Booker T beat Big T (Tony Norris AKA: Ahmed Johnson) & Stevie Ray… Vampiro pinned Fit Finlay in a falls count anywhere match… Ron & Don Harris beat Big Vito & Johnny the Bull to win the WCW World tag team titles… Dustin Rhodes pinned Terry Funk in a bullrope match… Sting pinned Lex Luger in a lumberjack with casts match… WCW World champion Sid Vicious pinned Jeff Jarrett… Hulk Hogan pined Ric Flair in a strap match.
03-24-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Kansas City, KS: Uptown Theater drawing 1,500: Chilly Willy beat Johnny Swinger… HC Loc beat Steve Corino… CW Anderson & Bill Wiles beat Mikey Whipwreck & Prodigy… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Little Guido… ECW World champion Mike Awesome beat Kid Kash… Tommy Dreamer & Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Vic Grimes & Tony DeVito & Angel… ECW tag team champions Justin Credible & Lance Storm beat Chris Chetti & Nova… ECW TV champion Super Crazy pinned Rhino.
03-27-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: WEW Six Man tag team champions Koji Nakagawa & Jado & Gedo beat H & Yoshinori Sasaki & Naohiro Yamazaki… Asuza Kudo beat Kaori Nakayama & Emi Motokawa & Yuka Nakamura in a handicap match… Ricky Fuji beat Flying Kid Ichihara… Hisakatsu Oya & Kintaro Kanemura & Hideki Hosaka & Willie Takayama beat Balls Mahoney & Tracey Smothers & Crazy Boy & Chocoball Mukai… H beat Kyoko Inoue… WEW champion Tetsuhiro Kuroda battled Kodo Fuyuki to a no contest.
03-31-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Richmond, VA: Alltel Pavilion drawing 3,000: Steve Corino pinned Kid Kash… ECW TV champion Super Crazy beat Mikey Whipwreck… CW Anderson & Bill Wiles beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Chris Chetti beat Justin Credible… Nova pinned Lance Storm… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Little Guido… Tommy Dreamer & Sandman & Raven beat Vic Grimes & Tony DeVito & Angel… ECW World champion Mike Awesome pinned Rhino.
04-02-2000: WWF WrestleMania 16 AKA: WrestleMania 2000: Anaheim, CA at the Anaheim Pond: Attendance: 18,034 ($1,347,800): Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan defeated D-Lo Brown & The Godfather (with Ice T)… Hardcore Holly (Bob Holly) was the final winner in a hardcore battle royal and was the last man to win the WWF Hardcore Title. All winners won the WWF Hardcore Title. Also in the match were: The Acolytes (John Bradshaw Layfield & Ron Simmons), Sho Funaki, The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher), Crash & Hardcore Holly, Mean Street Posse, Taka Michinoku, Tazz and Viscera… Test & Prince Albert (Matt Bloom) defeated Al Snow & Steve Blackman… Edge & Christian defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & DVon Dudley) in a ladder match to win the WWF World tag team titles... Terri (seconded by Fabulous Moolah) defeated The Kat (seconded by Mae Young) in a cat fight. Val Venis was the guest referee… Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) & Chyna defeated Eddie Guerrero & Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko… Kurt Angle lost both the WWF European and WWF Intercontinental title in a two fall triangle match with Chris Benoit (wins Intercontinental) and Chris Jericho (wins European)… Kane & Rikishi defeated Road Dogg & X-Pac… WWF Champ Triple H (with Stephanie McMahon) defeated The Rock (with Vince McMahon) and Mick Foley (with Linda McMahon) and The Big Show (with Shane McMahon) (36:28) in a "four corners" match.
04-07-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) holds Dome Impact at the Tokyo Egg Dome in front of a reported 60,000 fans. Results: Yuji Nagata defeated Kendo Kashin… Manabu Nakanishi defeated Scott Norton… Don Frye defeated Koji Kanemoto… Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Yutaka Yoshie… Satoshi Kojima defeated Shinjiro Otani… Takashi Iizuka defeated Kazunari Murakami… Masahiro Chono defeated Keiji Muto… Kensuke Sasaki defeated Jushin Thunder Liger… Naoya Ogawa defeated Shinya Hashimoto.
04-08-2000: ECW on TNN TV Taping: in Buffalo, NY: Flickinger Center drawing 3,700: Chilly Willy beat Johnny Swinger… Mikey Whipwreck beat Prodigy… Rhino pinned Kid Kash… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Jack Victory & Steve Corino… CW Anderson beat Raven… ECW tag team champions Justin Credible & Lance Storm beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Super Crazy and Little Guido in a three way dance to win the ECW TV title… Tommy Dreamer & New Jack beat Tony DeVito & Angel in a street fight match.
04-09-2000: Michinoku Pro: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall drawing 7,000: Abismo Negro pinned Oriental… Cima pinned Onryo… Gran Hamada pinned Ricky Fuji… Naoki Sano defeated Great Sasuke… Jushin Liger pinned Men’s Teioh… WWWA Super Lightweight champion Chaparita Asari pinned Hiromi Yagi… Cima pinned Naoki Sano… Jushin Liger pinned Gran Hamada… Tiger Mask IV & Minoru Tanaka & Maasaki Mochizuki & Shinya Makabe & Ricky Marvin beat Kendo Kashin & El Samurai & Judo Suwa & Super Boy & Chopinger… Jushin Liger pinned Cima to win the Super J Cup 2000.
04-11-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Yoshinori Sasaki beat Flying Kid Ichihara… Azusa Kudo & Emi Motokawa beat Kaori Nakayama & Yuka Nakamura… Kodo Fuyuki & Kyoko Inoue & Chocoball Mukai beat Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Ricky Fuji & Willie Takayama… Kintaro Kanemura & Hideki Hosaka beat Tracey Smothers & Crazy Boy… WEW Six Man tag team champions Koji Nakagawa & Jado & Gedo beat Seiji Yamakawa & Tomoaki Honma & Winger… Masato Tanaka & Balls Mahoney beat H & Mr. Gannosuke.
04-13-2000: ECW: in Indianapolis, IN: Murat Center drawing 1,700: Tazz beat Mike Awesome to win the ECW World title.
04-15-2000: WCW Spring Stampede: in Chicago, IL: United Center drawing 12,556: Shown live on PPV: Ric Flair & Lex Luger beat Johnny the Bull & Big Vito and Ron & Don Harris… Mancow (a radio DJ) pinned Jimmy Hart… Scott Steiner beat The Wall via DQ… Mike Awesome pinned Ernest Miller… Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell beat Stevie Ray & Big T (Tony Norris AKA: Ahmed Johnson)… Sting pinned Booker T… Vampiro pinned Billy Kidman… Terry Funk pinned Norman Smiley to win the vacant WCW Hardcore title… Scott Steiner beat Mike Awesome… Sting pinned Vampiro… Chris Candido won a four corners match to win the vacant WCW Cruiserweight title over Juventud Guerrera and Shannon Moore and Lash Leroux & Crowbar AKA: Devon Storm)… Shane Douglas & Buff Bagwell beat Ric Flair & Lex Luger to win the vacant WCW World tag team title… Scott Steiner pinned Sting to win the vacant WCW U.S. title… Jeff Jarrett pinned Diamond Dallas Page to win the vacant WCW World heavyweight title.
All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Daisuke Ikeda & Masamichi Marufuji beat Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Kentaro Shiga… Masa Fuchi & Haruka Eigen & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi beat Rusher Kimura & Mitsuo Momota & Shigeo Okamura… Yoshihiro Takayama & Takeshi Morishima beat Wolf Hawkfield (Jim Steele) & Scorpio… Tamon Honda pinned Masao Inoue… Johnny Ace & Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn) beat Jun Akiyama & Maunukea Mossman… Mitsuharu Misawa pinned Yoshinari Ogawa… Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue beat Steve Williams & Johnny Smith… Kenta Kobashi pinned Takao Omori to win the 2000 Champion Carnival tournament.
04-16-2000: ECW Wrestlepalooza 2000 & TNN TV Taping: in St. Charles, MO: Family Arena drawing 2,800: Chilly Willy beat Johnny Swinger… HC Loc beat Simon Diamond… Chris Chetti & Nova beat CW Anderson & Bill Wiles… Super Crazy beat Kid Kash… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Little Guido & Sal E. Graziano… ECW tag team champions Justin Credible & Lance Storm beat Mikey Whipwreck & Raven… Dusty Rhodes & New Jack & Sandman & Tommy Dreamer beat Steve Corino & Jack Victory & Yoshihiro Tajiri & Rhino.
04-22-2000: ECW Cyberslam 2000: in Philadelphia, PA: ECW Arena drawing 1,600: Masato Tanaka pinned Too Cold Scorpio… Lance Storm & Dawn Marie beat Nova & Jazz… Little Guido beat Super Crazy and Kid Kash in a three way dance… CW Anderson & Bill Whiles beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Steve Corino pinned Dusty Rhodes in a bullrope match… Rhino pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri to win the ECW TV title… Tommy Dreamer pinned Tazz to win the ECW World title… Justin Credible pinned Tommy Dreamer to win the ECW World title.
04-29-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Poughkeepsie, NY: Mid-Hudson Civic Center drawing 2,500: Little Guido beat Johnny Swinger… Tommy Dreamer beat Simon Diamond… Lance Storm beat Kid Kash… Chris Chetti &Nova beat CW Anderson & Bill Wiles… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat The Baldies… ECW World champion Justin Credible beat Mikey Whipwreck… Jerry Lynn beat Scott Anton… Sandman & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Steve Corino & Rhino.
04-30-2000: WWF Backlash in Washington, DC at the MCI Center drawing 17, 867: WWF World tag team champions Edge & Christian beat Road Dogg & X-Pac… WWF Light Heavyweight champion Dean Malenko pinned Scotty Too Hotty… Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan beat The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)… WWF Hardcore champion Crash Holly won a six man hardcore match when he pinned Tazz. Also in the match were Hardcore Holly, Perry Saturn, Matt & Jeff Hardy… Big Show (dressed as Hulk Hogan) pinned Kurt Angle… Test & Albert beat The Dudleys (Bubba Ray & D-Von)… WWF European champion Eddy Guerrero pinned Esse Rios… WWF Intercontinental champion Chris Benoit beat Chris Jericho via DQ… The Rock pinned Triple H to win the WWF heavyweight title. Shane McMahon was the special referee.
05-05-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling: Wrestling Dontaku 2000: in Fukuoka, Japan: Fukuoka Dome drawing 25,000: Kenzo Suzuki pinned Shinya Makabe to win the Young Lions League 2000… Tadao Yasuda & Junji Hirata & Shiro Koshinaka beat Michiyoshi Ohara & Tatsutoshi Goto & Hiro Saito… Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Shinjiro Otani & Kendo Kashin & Koji Kanemoto beat Jushin Liger & Minoru Tanaka & Cima & Sumo Dandy Fuji… Genichiro Tenryu pinned Takashi Iizuka… Yutaka Yoshie pinned Satoshi Kojima… Masahiro Chono pinned Tatsumi Fujinami… IWGP tag team champions Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi beat Naoya Ogawa & Kazunari Murakami… IWGP heavyweight champion Power Warrior Sasaki pinned The Great Muta.
FMW: Backdraft: in Tokyo, Japan: Komazawa Olympic Park Gym drawing 4,200: Shown on Japanese PPV: Ricky Fuji pinned Crazy Boy… WEW Hardcore tag team champions Yoshinori Sasaki & Hideki Hosaka beat Matty Smalls & Fatu… Kaoruka Arai pinned June Kusanori in a cat fight. Flying Kid Ichihara was the special referee… Kaori Nakayama & Chocoball Mukai & Kyoko Inoue beat Yuka Nakamura & Emi Motokawa & Azusa Kudo… Kintaro Kanemura pinned Ryuji Yamakawa to win the WEW Hardcore title… WEW Six Man tag team champion Gedo & Jado & Koji Nakagawa beat Willie Williams & Willie Takayama & Megame Boss… Sabu battled Mr. Gannosuke no a no contest… Kodo Fuyuki beat Tetsuhiro Kuroda to win the WEW title… H beat Masato Tanaka.
05-06-2000: WWF Insurrextion PPV: in London, UK at Earl's Court drawing 17,000
Shown live on UK PPV: Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) beat Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn… Kane pinned Bull Buchanan… Road Dogg pinned Bradshaw… Kat beat Terri in an arm wrestling match… Big Show & Rikishi beat The Dudleys (Bubba Ray & DVon Dudley)… Kurt Angle pinned Chris Benoit… British Bulldog pinned Crash Holly to win the WWF Hardcore title… Matt & Jeff Hardy beat WWF World tag team champions Edge & Christian via DQ… WWF European champion Eddie Guerrero pinned Chris Jericho… WWF heavyweight champion The Rock beat Shane McMahon and Triple H in a triangle match.
ECW TNN TV Taping: in Minneapolis, MN: UM Sports Pavilion drawing 2,400: HC Loc pinned Bill Irwin… Chilly Willy beat Bill Wiles… Kid Kash pinned Johnny Swinger… Mikey Whipwreck pinned Little Guido… Tommy Dreamer pinned Simon Diamond… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Tony DeVito & Vic Grimes and Chris Chetti & Nova in a three way dance… Lance Storm pinned Jerry Lynn… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri… ECW World champion Justin Credible beat Raven.
05-07-2000: WCW Slamboree: in Kansas City, MO: Kemper Arena drawing 7,165: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion Chris Candido pinned The Artist… WCW Hardcore champion Terry Funk beat Norman Smiley & Ralphus in a hardcore match… Shawn Stasiak pinned Curt Hennig… WCW U.S. champion Scott Steiner beat Capt. Rection (Hugh Morrus)… Mike Awesome battled Kanyon to a no contest… Lex Luger beat Buff Bagwell… Shane Douglas pinned Ric Flair… Sting pinned Vampiro… Hulk Hogan pinned Billy Kidman. Eric Bischoff was the guest referee… Jeff Jarrett beat David Arquette and Diamond Dallas Page in a Ready to Rumble cage match to win the WCW World title.
05-08-2000: WCW Monday Nitro: in St. Louis, MO: TWA Dome drawing 6,545: Shown live on TNT: WCW Hardcore champion Terry Funk beat Norman Smiley & Ralphus in a handicap match… Shawn Stasiak pinned Captain Rection (Hugh Morrus)… Mike Awesome beat Diamond Dallas Page in a stretcher match… Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) beat Stevie Ray and Big T (AKA: Ahmed Johnson) and Ron Harris and Don Harris and Big Vito and Johnny the Bull in an elimination match…. Elizabeth battled Daffney to a no contest… Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash battled Mike Awesome & Billy Kidman & Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr. to a no contest in a handicap street fight match… WCW World champion Jeff Jarrett pinned Sting.
05-14-2000: ECW Hardcore Heaven 2000: in Milwaukee, WI: The Rave drawing 3,400: Shown live on PPV: Masato Tanaka pinned Balls Mahoney… Little Guido beat Mikey Whipwreck and Simon Diamond in a three way dance… Kid Kash pinned CW Anderson… Chris Chetti & Nova beat Tony DeVito & Angel and Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill in a three way dance… New Jack pinned Angel… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Steve Corino… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Sandman… Jerry Lynn pinned Rob Van Dam… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Lance Storm.
05-15-2000: GAEA: 5th Anniversary Show in Tokyo, Japan: Ariake Coliseum drawing 9,000: Dynamite Kansai pinned Sakura Hirata… Saiki Takeuchi pinned Rie… Kyoko Inoue pinned Toshiyo Yamada… AAAW tag team champions Sugar Sato & Chikayo Nagashima beat Bloody & Toshie Uematsu… Mayumi Ozaki pinned Kaoru in a falls count anywhere match… AAAW champion Aja Kong pinned Meiko Satomura… Chigusa Nagoya & Lioness Asuka beat Devil Masami & Akira Hokuto.
05-19-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Duluth, GA: Gwinnett Civic Center drawing 1,000: Chilly Willy beat Todd Wimbleton… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Jorge Estrada & Tom Evans… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Little Guido & Sal E. Graziano… Masato Tanaka pinned Balls Mahoney… Jerry Lynn pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri… Raven pinned CW Anderson… New Jack pinned CW Anderson… Justin Credible & Francine beat Tommy Dreamer in a handicap match… Sandman pinned Kentaro Kanemura… Dusty Rhodes beat Jack Victory in a bullrope match.
05-20-2000: RINGS: in Ekaterinburg, Russia: Sports Palace drawing 7,000: Yuri Bekichev defeated Christopher Haseman… Borisl Jeliazkov defeated Igor Perminov… Grom Zaza beat Travis Fulton… Achmed Labasanov beat Valentijn Overeem… Renato Babalu beat Jacob Zobnin… Mikhail Ilioukhine beat Lee Hasdell via decision… Tom Sauer beat Alexander Bezroutchkin… Volk Han beat Yasuhito Namekawa via decision… Yuri Korchikin beat Alistair Overeem via decision… Andrei Kopilov beat Carlos Clayton.
05-21-2000: WWF Judgement Day: in Louisville, KY at Freedom Hall drawing 16,827: Rikishi Fatu & Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Grand Master Sexay) beat Edge & Christian & Kurt Angle… WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero beat Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko in a triangle match… Shane McMahon pinned Big Show in a falls count anywhere match… WWF Intercontinental champion Chris Benoit beat Chris Jericho in a submission match… Road Dogg & X-Pac beat The Dudleys (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) in a double tables match… Triple H beat The Rock in an "ironman" match to win the WWF World Title.
05-26-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Toledo, OH: Seagate Center drawing 1,250: Jorge Estrada pinned Shawn Evans… Chilly Willy beat Chris Hamrick… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger… Kid Kash pinned Vic Grimes… New Jack beat Tony DeVito & Angel in a handicap match… Mikey Whipwreck pinned Tony Mamaluke… Chris Chetti & Nova beat CW Anderson & Bill Wiles… ECW TV champion Rhino battled Sandman to a no contest… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Jerry Lynn… Rob Van Dam pinned Balls Mahoney.
06-02-2000: ECW TNN TV taping in New Orleans, LA: Lakefront Arena drawing 1,500: Kid Kash beat CW Anderson… Jerry Lynn beat Bill Wiles… Chilly Willy beat Skyfire… Scotty Anton beat Raven… Tony DeVito & Angel beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Chris Chetti & Nova beat Johnny Swinger & Simon Diamond… Little Guido beat Mikey Whipwreck… Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Steve Corino… Tommy Dreamer & Sandman beat Justin Credible & Rhino.
New Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 10,000: Katsumi Usuda beat Kid Romeo… Gran Hamada beat Koji Kanemoto… Shinjiro Otani pinned Minoru Fujita… Kendo Kashin & Tatsuhito Takaiwa beat Jushin Liger & Shinya Makabe… Scott Norton & Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan beat Kenzo Suzuki & Shiro Koshinaka & Junji Hirata… Tatsumi Fujinami beat Osamu Nishimura… Masa Chono beat Yutaka Yoshie… Takashi Iizuka beat Yuji Nagata… IWGP heavyweight champion Kensuke Sasaki pinned Manabu Nakanishi.
06-04-2000: RINGS: Di Capo Di Tutti Capi in Utrecht City, Netherlands: Vechtsebanen Sport Hall drawing 5,000: Brian Lo-A-Njoe defeated Jassier Kaderi… Fred van Doesburg beat Rick Rootlieb… Sander MacKilljan defeated Renaldo Rijkhoff… Stephan Tapilatu beat Jeffrey Heijm via unanimous decision… Aziz Karaoglu beat Roberto Flamingo… Valentijn Overeem defeated Fatih Kocamis… Big Mo T beat Glenn Bastrop via DQ… Jerel Venetian beat Dave van der Veen via unanimous decision… Joop Kasteel defeated Lee Hasdell… Rob van Esdonk beat Peter Verschuren… Semmy Schilt defeated Yoshihisa Yamamoto.
06-09-2000: All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Yoshinobu Kanemaru pinned Kenta Kobayashi… Masa Fuchi & Haruka Eigen & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi beat Rusher Kimura & Mitsuo Momota & Makoto Hashi… Johnny Smith & George Hines (AKA: Jackie Fulton) beat Daisuke Ikeda & Masamichi Marufuji… Stan Hansen pinned Takeshi Morishima… Masao Inoue & Takeshi Rikio beat Steve Williams & Erik Watts… Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue beat Johnny Ace & Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn)… Takao Omori & Yoshihiro Takayama beat Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa… Jun Akiyama & Maunukea Mossman beat Kenta Kobashi & Kentaro Shiga… Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue beat Takao Omori & Yoshihiro Takayama to win the vacant All Japan World tag team title.
06-10-2000: ECW TNN TV taping: in Pittsburgh, PA: Convention Center drawing 2,700: Julio Fantastico beat Hellfire… Kid Kash pinned EZ Money… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger… CW Anderson & Bill Wiles beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Tony DeVito… Pierre Ouellette beat HC Loc… Balls Mahoney & Mikey Whipwreck beat Tony Mamaluke & Sal E. Graziano… Rob Van Dam pinned Little Guido… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Jerry Lynn.
06-11-2000: WCW Great American Bash: in Baltimore, MD: Baltimore Arena drawing 7,031: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion Lt. Loco (Chavo Guerrero, Jr) pinned Disco Inferno… Kronik (Bryan Adams & Bryan Clark) beat The Mamalukes (Little Guido & Johnny the Bull)… Mike Awesome beat Diamond Dallas Page in an ambulance match… G.I. Bro (Booker T) pinned Sean Stasiak in a boot camp match… Shane Douglas beat The Wall in a table match… Scott Steiner beat Rick Steiner & Tank Abbot in a handicap asylum match… Hulk Hogan pinned Billy Kidman. If Hogan had lost this match he would have had to retire. Horace Hogan was the guest referee… Ric Flair beat David Flair. If Flair had lost this match he would have had to retire… Vampiro beat Sting in an inferno match… WCW World champion Jeff Jarrett pinned Kevin Nash.
Sean Stasiak (Photo by Karl Stern of When It Was Cool
06-16-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Naohiro Yamazaki beat Chocoball Mukai… Asuza Kudo beat Kaori Nakayama… Jado & Gedo beat Michael Shane & Ruben Cruise… Kintaro Kanemura & Hideki Hosaka & Yoshinori Sasaki beat Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Hisakatsu Oya & Flying Kid Ichihara… Darkside of H & Hayabusa (Genichiro Tenryu) beat Kodo Fuyuki & Goemon.
06-17-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Danbury, CT: O'Neill Center drawing 1,600: Scotty Anton beat Pitbull 1… Nick Bell & HC Loc beat Tony DeVito & Angel… Chilly Willy pinned Tony Mamaluke… Steve Corino pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri… Simon Diamond pinned Danny Doring… Johnny Swinger pinned Amish Roadkill… CW Anderson & Bill Wiles beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Kid Kash pinned Chris Hamrick… Rob Van Dam beat ECW TV champion Rhino via DQ.
AAA-EMLL Supershow: in Mexico City, Mexico: Plaza de Toros: Mr. Niebla & Olimpico & Emilio Charles Jr. (Team EMLL) beat El Texano & El Cobarde & Sangre Chicano (Team AAA)… Tarzan Boy (EMLL) & Latin Lover (AAA) & Hector Garza (AAA) beat El Satanico & Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero (Team EMLL)… Heavy Metal (AAA) & Felino (EMLL) & Negro Casas (EMLL) beat Bestia Salvaje (EMLL) & Electro Shock (AAA) & Pirata Morgan (EMLL)… Octagon (AAA) & Brazo de Plata (EMLL) & Rayo de Jalisco Jr. (EMLL) & La Parka II (AAA) beat Cibernetico (AAA) & Abismo Negro (AAA) & Pierroth Jr. (EMLL) & Shocker (EMLL).
06-23-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Milwaukee, WI: The Rave drawing 2,000: Chris Chetti & Nova beat EZ Money & Julio Fantastico… Steve Corino beat Kid Kash… Chilly Willy beat Tony DeVito… New Jack pinned Angel… Little Guido pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill and CW Anderson & Bill Wiles in a three way dance… Tommy Dreamer & Jazz beat Justin Credible & Francine… Scotty Anton beat Mikey Whipwreck… Rob Van Dam beat ECW TV champion Rhino via DQ.
06-24-2000: WWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 19,588: Too Cool (Scottie Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) defeated Edge & Christian and Matt & Jeff Hardy and Test & Albert (Matt Bloom) in a four way elimination match… WWF Intercontinental champion Rikishi (AKA: Fatu) defeated Kurt Angle… Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho and Hardcore (Bob) Holly and Val Venis in a four way match… WWF European champion Eddie Guerrero defeated Perry Saturn… The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) defeated Big Bossman & Bull Buchanan… The Rock & Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley defeated Triple H & X-Pac (Sean Waltman) & Road Dogg… Kane defeated Gangrel… Terri defeated The Kat in an arm wrestling match… Dean Malenko defeated Crash Holly… The Godfather (Charles Wright) defeated D’Lo Brown. Jerry Lawler interviewed Donald Trump at ringside.
ECW TNN TV Taping: in Villa Park, IL: The Odeum drawing 3,500: Chilly Willy pinned EZ Money… Rhino pinned Pitbull 1… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Chris Chetti & Nova and Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill in a three way dance… Kid Kash pinned Bill Wiles… Steve Corino pinned Mikey Whipwreck… Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Jerry Lynn… Mike Keehner & HC Loc beat Tony DeVito & Angel… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Sandman… Rob Van Dam pinned Little Guido.
06-25-2000: WWF King of the Ring PPV: in Boston, MA at the Fleet Center drawing 15,388: Rikishi Fatu beat Chris Benoit via DQ… Val Venis pinned Eddie Guerrero… Crash Holly pinned Bull Buchanan… Kurt Angle pinned Chris Jericho (9:50)… Edge & Christian beat Matt & Jeff Hardy, Test & Prince Albert, and Too Cool (14:11) in a "four corners elimination" match to win the WWF Tag Title… Rikishi pinned Val Venis… Kurt Angle pinned Crash Holly… WWF Hardcore champion Pat Patterson battled Gerald (Jerry) Brisco to a no contest in an "evening gown" match. The match ended when Crash Holly ran in and pinned Patterson to win the WWF Hardcore Title… Road Dogg & X-Pac & Tori beat The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray & D-Von) in a "handicap tables dumpster" match… Kurt Angle pinned Rikishi to win the King of the Ring Tournament… The Rock & Kane & The Undertaker beat Triple H & Vince & Shane McMahon. As a result, The Rock won the WWF World Title.
07-05-2000: AAA Triple Mania 8: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 1,700: Octagoncito pinned Mini Abismo Negro… Gran Apache beat Oscar Sevilla… Oriental & Esther Moreno battled Pentagon & Xochitl Hamada to a double count out… Perro Aguayo Jr. & Alebrije & Pathfinder beat Picudo & Charly Manson & Espiritu and Masamichi Marufuji & Minoru Tanaka & Genki Horiguchi and Histeria & Psicosis II & Maniaco in a four corners elimination match… Heavy Metal & Tiger Mask IV defeated Kickboxer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru… Octagon & Jushin Liger & Latin Lover & Cuije beat Cibernetico & Shiima Nobunaga & Abismo Negro & Electro Shock.
07-07-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Poughkeepsie, NY: Mid-Hudson Civic Center drawing 1,900: Danny Doring beat Bill Wiles… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Prodigy & Prodigette… Chilly Willy & Chris Chetti & Nova beat Guido Maritato & Sal E. Graziano & Tony Mamaluke… CW Anderson beat Kid Kash… Pierre Ouellette beat The Musketeer… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Yoshihiro Tajiri… Rhino beat Raven… Tommy Dreamer & Jerry Lynn beat Tony DeVito & Angel… Rob Van Dam pinned Balls Mahoney.
07-08-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Philadelphia, PA: ECW Arena drawing 1,400: Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Mikey Whipwreck… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Pierre Ouellette… Tony DeVito & Angel beat Chris Chetti & Nova and Christian York & Joey Matthews and Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke in a four way dance… Kid Kash pinned EZ Money… Sandman & Jerry Lynn beat Rhino & Steve Corino… Rob Van Dam pinned Balls Mahoney.
07-09-2000: WCW Bash at the Beach: in Dayton Beach, FL: Ocean Center drawing 6,572: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion Lt. Loco (Chavo Guerrero, Jr.) pinned Juventud Guerrera… WCW Hardcore champion Big Vito beat Norman Smiley & Ralphus in a handicap match… Daffney beat Miss Hancock in an evening gown match…Kronik (Bryan Adams & Bryan Clark) beat Sean Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo to win the WCW World tag team titles… Kanyon pinned Booker T… Mike Awesome beat Scott Steiner via DQ… Vampiro beat The Kiss Demon (Dale Torborg) in a graveyard match. This was a pre-taped match… Shane Douglas pinned Buff Bagwell… Hulk Hogan pinned Jeff Jarrett to win the WCW World heavyweight title. This was one of those "worked shoot" angles. Vince Russo did an interview and gave the belt back to Jarrett. This, however, turned out to be a double cross with Russo cutting a scathing promo on Hulk Hogan which, ultimately, lead to a real life lawsuit by Hulk Hogan… Bill Goldberg pinned Kevin Nash… Booker T pinned Jeff Jarrett to win the WCW World heavyweight title.
07-16-2000: WWC: 27th Anniversary Show: in Caguas, PR: Sola Morales Stadium drawing 6,000: Rico Suave & Atletico beat Joe Don Smith & Gran Artache… El Bronco beat Invader III (Johnny Rivera)… Tony Atlas beat Dutch Mantel… Eddie Colon beat Jose Rivera, Jr. via DQ… Invader I (Jose Gonzalez) battled Titan to a double DQ… Octagoncito beat Pierrothtito… Barry & Kendall Windham beat Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge)… Carlos Colon beat One Man Gang in a steel cage match… Carly Colon beat Rey Gonzales to win the WWC Universal title… Abdullah the Butcher beat Big Dick Dudley…. Thunder & Lightning beat The Pitbulls. Tony Atlas always maintained he never returned to Puerto Rican wrestling following the killing of Bruiser Brody by Invader 1 (Jose Gonzalez) yet here he is, in Puerto Rico, on the same show as Invader 1.
ECW Heat Wave 2000: in Los Angeles, CA: Olympic Auditorium drawing 5,700: Shown live on PPV: Sal E. Graziano pinned Balls Mahoney… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill & Kid Kash beat Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger & CW Anderson… Jerry Lynn pinned Steve Corino… Chris Chetti & Nova beat Tony DeVito & Angel… Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Mikey Whipwreck and Psicosis and Guido Maritato in a four way dance… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Sandman… Rob Van Dam pinned Scotty Anton (AKA: Scotty Riggs)… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Tommy Dreamer in a stairway to hell match.
Scott Anton (AKA: Scotty Riggs) Photo By Karl Stern
07-22-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Peoria, IL: Civic Center drawing 1,700: Kid Kash pinned Red Dogg… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Psicosis pinned Guido Maritato… Chris Chetti & Nova beat Julio Fantastico & EZ Money… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Danny Doring… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned Tony Mamaluke… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Chilly Willy… Rob Van Dam pinned Amish Roadkill… Tommy Dreamer & Jerry Lynn beat Steve Corino & Scotty Anton in a falls count anywhere match.
07-23-2000: WWF Fully Loaded in Dallas, TX at Reunion Arena drawing 16,504: Lita & Matt & Jeff Hardy beat Test & Prince Albert & Trish Stratus… Tazz beat Al Snow… Perry Saturn pinned Eddie Guerrero to win the WWF European Title… The Acolytes (Ron Simmons & Bradshaw) beat WWF World tag team champions Edge & Christian via DQ… WWF Intercontinental champion Val Venis beat Rikishi in a steel cage match… The Undertaker pinned Kurt Angle… Triple H beat Chris Jericho in a last man standing match… WWF heavyweight champion The Rock pinned Chris Benoit.
All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Masa Fuchi pinned Shigeo Okamura… Shiiba pinned Shinobi… Giant Kamala II (Ben Peacock) pinned Yuto Aijima… Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn) & Wolf Hawkfield (Jim Steele) beat George Hines (AKA: Jackie Fulton) & Scorpio… Yoshiaki Fujiwara beat Johnny Smith… Steve Williams pinned Jinsei Shinzaki… Toshiaki Kawada & Genichiro Tenryu beat Stan Hansen & Maunukea Mossman.
07-28-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Asuza Kudo beat Chocoball Mukai… Hideki Hosaka & Yoshinori Sasaki beat Fatu & Matty Smalls to win the WEW Hardcore tag team title… Masao Inoue & Yoshinobu Kanemaru beat Jado & Gedo to win the WEW tag team titles… Goemon beat Naohiro Yamazaki… Tetsuhiro Kuroda beat Kyoko Inoue in a cooking death match… WEW Hardcore champion Kintaro Kanemura beat Mike Samples… Hayabusa & Masato Tanaka & Hisakatsu Oya beat Kodo Fuyuki & Jinsei Shinzaki & Mr. Gannosuke.
07-29-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Houston, TX drawing 2,000: Jazz battled Prodigette to a no contest… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Julio Fantastico & EZ Money… Sandman beat Cyrus via DQ… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Guido Maritato pinned Mikey Whipwreck… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Nova… Steve Corino beat Jerry Lynn and Yoshihiro Tajiri in a three way dance… Tommy Dreamer beat Steve Corino… ECW World champion Justin Credible beat Chris Chetti… Rob Van Dam pinned Kid Kash.
07-30-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling: Riki Choshu Revival: in Yokohama, Japan: Yokohama Arena drawing 18,000: Shown live on Japanese PPV 1.8: Shinya Makabe beat Hiroshi Tanahashi… Minoru Tanaka beat Akira… Junji Hirata pinned Kenso Suzuki… Shiro Koshinaka pinned Koji Kanemoto… Takashi Iizuka beat Shinjiro Otani… Yuji Nagata & Kensuke Sasaki beat Yutaka Yoshie & Manabu Nakanishi… Riki Choshu defeated Atsushi Onita in a no rope explosive barbed wire death match.
i-Generation Superstars of Wrestling: Rodman Down Under: in Sydney, Australia: Sydney Superdome drawing 10,000: Shown on December 1, 2000 on U.S. PPV: The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) beat Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) to win the i-Generation tag team title… The Barbarian beat Brute Force (Ed Leslie)… Sweet Destiny (seconded by Muhammad Ali) beat Brandy Wine… One Man Gang beat Tatanka to win the i-Generation International title… i-Generation champion Curt Hennig battled Dennis Rodman to a double DQ.
07-31-2000: WWF Raw and Jakked TV taping: in Atlanta, GA: Georgia Dome drawing 25,000: Shown on USA (6.4 rating): Dark match: Taka Michinoku & Sho Funaki beat The Dupps (Bo & Jack Dupp)… Crash Holly pinned Essa Rios… Too Cool (Grandmaster Sexay & Scotty Too Hottie) beat The Mean Street Posse… Test & Albert beat D-Lo Brown & Chaz… X-Pac & Road Dogg beat Al Snow & Steve Blackman in a hardcore match… Matt & Jeff Hardy beat WWF World tag team champions Edge & Christian via DQ… Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle beat The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley)… The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) beat The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan… Rikishi pinned Tazz… Eddie Guerrero & Chyna beat Val Venis & Perry Saturn… WWF heavyweight champion The Rock & Lita beat Triple H & Trish Stratus.
08-04-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Huntington, WV drawing 3,000: Red Dogg beat Michael Shane… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Bilvis Wesley & Prodigy… Yoshihiro Tajiri pinned EZ Money… Jazz battled Prodigette to a no contest… Sandman & Chilly Willy beat Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Mikey Whipwreck… ECW World champion Justin Credible battled Kid Kash to a no contest… Rob Van Dam pinned Balls Mahoney.
CMLL: Entre Torre Infernal: in Mexico City, Mexico: Arena Mexico drawing 17,803: Shown live on Mexican PPV: Ultimo Dragoncito & Bracito de Oro & Cicloncito Ramirez beat Fire & El Fierito & Pierrothito… Lizmark Jr. & Brazo de Plata & Negro Casas beat Dr. Wagner Jr. & Bestia Salvaje & El Satanico… Rey Bucanerro & Ultimo Guerrero won the CMLL tag team championship by default in the finals of a tournament. They were to face Mr. Niebla & Emilio Charles Jr., but Charles couldn't wrestle due to injury… Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero beat Mr. Niebla & Villano IV… A battle royal was held. The order of elimination determined the teams for the next match. The teams ended up being Blue Panther, Black Warrior, Mascara Magica, Rencor Latino, El Hijo del Gladiator, & Olimpico vs. Safari, Solar I, Violencia, Dr. O'Borman Jr., Astro Rey Jr., & Pantera… Rencor Latino and El Hijo del Gladiator lost a torneo cibernetico match. The rules are that when a luchador wins a fall, he is eliminated… Rencor Latino beat El Hijo del Gladiator via submission in a mask vs. mask match… Mascara Ano 2000 lost an Infierno en el ring match and lost his hair. The order of escape was: Perro Aguayo, Sr. and Pierroth, Jr. Villano III.
08-05-2000: NOAH First PPV Show: in Tokyo, Japan: Differ Ariake drawing 1,800
Shown August 12 on Japanese PPV: Takeshi Morishima pinned Makoto Hashi… Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Jun Izumida & Haruka Eigen beat Takeshi Rikio & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura… Masamichi Marufuji & Kentaro Shiga beat Yoshinobu Kanemura & Masao Inoue… Yoshinari Ogawa & Masahito Kakihara & Daisuke Ikeda beat Yoshihiro Takayama & Takao Omori & Satoru Asako… Jun Akiyama & Kenta Kobashi beat Mitsuharu Misawa & Akira Taue.
08-06-2000: NOAH Second PPV Show: in Tokyo, Japan: Differ Ariake drawing 1,800
Shown August 19 on Japanese PPV: Satoru Asako beat Kenta Kobayashi… Makoto Hashi & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura beat Yoshinobu Kanemura & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Haruka Eigen… Takeshi Morishima & Masao Inoue beat Takeshi Rikio & Masamichi Marufuji… Jun Izumida & Akira Taue beat Takao Omori & Yoshihiro Takayama… Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa beat Kentaro Shiga & Daisuke Ikeda… Jun Akiyama pinned Kenta Kobashi.
08-07-2000: WWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 13,236: Kurt Angle & Triple H defeated Chris Jericho in a handicap match… APA (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Matt Hardy defeated Big Show & Edge & Christian… The Rock defeated Chris Benoit in a no DQ match… Too Cool (Scottie Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) & Chyna defeated Test & Albert (Matt Bloom) & Val Venis… The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) defeated Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather (Charles Wright)… Rikishi defeated X-Pac (Sean Waltman)… Dean Malenko defeated Essa Rios… D’Lo Brown & Chaz defeated Gangrel & Crash Holly… Steve Blackman defeated Mideon… Big Bossman defeated Taka Michinoku… Mean Street Posse (Rodney & Pete Gas) defeated Low-Ki & Vince Goodnight… The Dupps (Bo & Jack Dupp) defeated Charlie & Russ Haas.
08-11-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Ft. Lauderdale, FL: War Memorial Auditorium drawing 1,500: Chris Krueger beat Oz… Red Dogg beat Michael Shane… EZ Money & Julio Fantastico beat Christian York & Joey Matthews and Chris Chetti & Nova in a three way dance… Jerry Lynn pinned Chris Hamrick… Scotty Anton beat Bilvis Wesley… Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke & Sal E. Graziano beat Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri & Psicosis… CW Anderson pinned Tommy Dreamer… Steve Corino & Scotty Anton battled Lou E. Dangerously & Cyrus to a no contest… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Kid Kash… Rob Van Dam beat ECW TV champion Rhino via DQ.
New Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall drawing 8,500: Shinjiro Ohtani & Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Kendo Kashin & Katsuyori Shibata… Yutaka Yoshie beat Tatsuhito Takaiwa… Brian Johnston beat Osamu Kido… Tadao Yasuda beat Kenzo Suzuki… Tatsumi Fujinami beat Tatsutoshi Goto… Junji Hirata pinned Shiro Koshinaka… Manabu Nakanishi beat Osamu Nishimura… Yuji Nagata pinned Jushin Liger… Kensuke Sasaki pinned Satoshi Kojima.
08-12-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall drawing 10,000: Shinjiro Ohtani & Shinya Makabe beat Koji Kanemoto & Hiroshi Tanahashi… Satoshi Kojima battled Hiro Saito to a double count out… Tatsuhito Takaiwa pinned Shiro Koshinaka… Manabu Nakanishi beat Tadao Yasuda… Osamu Nishimura beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan… Tatsutoshi Goto pinned Yuji Nagata… Kensuke Sasaki beat Osamu Kido… Masahiro Chono beat Junji Hirata… Takashi Iizuka beat Tatsumi Fujinami.
08-13-2000: WCW New Blood Rising: in Vancouver, BC: Pacific Coliseum drawing 6,614: Shown live on PPV: Three Count beat The Jung Dragons in a ladder match… Ernest Miller pinned The Great Muta… Buff Bagwell pinned Kanyon… Kronik (Bryan Adams & Brian Clark) beat Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak and Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Hare and General Rection (Hugh Morris) & Cpl. Cajun (Lash LeRoux) in a four corners match. Disco Inferno was the guest referee… Billy Kidman pinned Shane Douglas in a strap match… Major Gunns pinned Miss Hancock in a rip off the clothes match… Sting pinned The Demon (Dale Torborg)… WCW U.S. champion Lance Storm beat Mike Awesome. Jacques Rougeau was the guest referee… The Great Muta & Vampiro beat Kronik (Bryan Clark & Brian Adams) to win the WCW World tag team title… Kevin Nash beat Bill Goldberg and Scott Steiner in a triangle match… WCW World champion Booker T pinned Jeff Jarrett.
New Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall drawing 11,500: Shinya Makabe beat Hiroshi Tanahashi… Yuji Nagata beat Takashi Iizuka… Manabu Nakanishi beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan… Satoshi Kojima & Tatsutoshi Goto & Hiro Saito beat Shiro Koshinaka & Yutaka Yoshie & Kenzo Suzuki… Kensuke Sasaki pinned Yuji Nagata… Manabu Nakanishi beat Masahiro Chono… Jushin Liger & El Samurai & Kendo Kashin beat Shinjiro Ohtani & Koji Kanemoto & Tatsuhito Takaiwa… Kensuke Sasaki beat Manabu Nakanishi to win the 2000 G-1 Climax Tournament.
08-25-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in New York City, NY: Hammerstein Ballroom drawing 2,500: EZ Money & Julio Dinero beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Tony DeVito & Angel… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Chris Chetti & Nova… Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke… Justin Credible & Rhino beat Sandman & Chilly Willy… Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer beat Rob Van Dam & Kid Kash… Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat EZ Money & Julio Dinero… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer beat Justin Credible & Rhino… Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Jerry Lynn & Tommy Dreamer and Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger in a three way dance to win the vacant ECW tag team titles.
08-26-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in New York City, NY: Hammerstein Ballroom drawing 2,500: Balls Mahoney pinned The Blue Boy… Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri to win the ECW tag team titles… Psicosis beat Tony DeVito… Tommy Dreamer & Christian York & Joey Matthews beat EZ Money & Julio Dinero & Chris Hamrick… CW Anderson beat Jerry Lynn… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger and Chris Chetti & Nova in a three way dance… ECW World champion Justin Credible pinned Steve Corino… Rob Van Dam beat Scotty Anton… Kid Kash pinned Rhino to win the ECW TV title.
08-27-2000: WWF SummerSlam in Raleigh, NC at the Entertainment & Sports Complex drawing 17,002: Stevie Richards & The Goodfather (Charles Wright) & Bull Buchanan beat Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) & Rikishi… X-Pac pinned Road Dogg… Eddie Guerrero & Chyna beat Val Venis & Trish Stratus. As a result, Chyna won the WWF Intercontinental title… Jerry Lawler pinned Tazz… Steve Blackman pinned Shane McMahon to win the WWF Hardcore title… Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho… WWF World tag team champions Edge & Christian beat The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) and Matt & Jeff Hardy in a table, ladders, and chairs match… The Kat beat Terri in a "stink face" match… The Undertaker battled Kane (Glen Jacobs) to a no contest… WWF heavyweight champion The Rock beat Kurt Angle and Triple H in a triple threat match.
08-28-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Shinjuku Shark beat Naohiro Yamazaki & KY Wakamatsu in a handicap match… Hisakatsu Oya & Asuza Kudo & Emi Motokawa beat Kyoko Inoue & Chocoball Mukai & Alex Porteau… WEW Hardcore tag team champions Hideki Hosaka & Yoshinori Sasaki beat Jado & Gedo… Tetsuhiro Kuroda beat Ricky Fuji… WEW champion Kodo Fuyuki beat Captain Jack… Kintaro Kanemura & Goemon beat Masato Tanaka & Onryo… Hayabusa beat Mr. Gannosuke.
09-02-2000: All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Nobutaka Araya & Yuto Aijima beat Shigeo Okamura & Ryuji Hijkata… Halloween beat Super Calo and Super Parka in a triangle match… Sabu pinned Damian 666… Susumu Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda & Masaaki Mochizuki beat Cima & Suwa & Sumo Dandy Fuji… Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn) & Johnny Smith & Cedman beat Taiyo Kea & Jinsei Shinzaki & Mohammed Yone… Masahiro Chono pinned Masa Fuchi… Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu beat Toshiaki Kawada & Steve Williams.
09-09-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Mississauga, ON: Hershey Center drawing 5,000: Psicosis beat Julio Dinero… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Nova beat Chris Hamrick… Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy beat The Baldies… ECW TV champion Kid Kash battled Mikey Whipwreck to a no contest… Rhino pinned Kid Kash to win the ECW TV title… Rob Van Dam pinned CW Anderson… ECW World champion Justin Credible beat Steve Corino and Jerry Lynn in a three way dance.
IWA Mid-South concludes it’s first ever Sweet Science Sixteen Tournament which is won by Chris Hero who defeated Harry Palmer in the finals.
09-15-2000: NOAH PPV Show: in Tokyo, Japan: Differ Ariake drawing 1,800: Shown live on Japanese PPV: Kentaro Shiga beat Kenta Kobayashi… Masamichi Marufuji & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura beat Makoto Hashi & Takeshi Morishima & Haruka Eigen… Daisuke Ikeda pinned Satoru Asako… Jun Izumida pinned Takao Omori… Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa beat Masao Inoue & Akira Taue… Takeshi Rikio & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Kenta Kobashi beat Yoshinobu Kanemura & Yoshihiro Takayama & Jun Akiyama.
09-17-2000: WCW Fall Brawl: in Buffalo, NY: HSBC Arena drawing 8,638: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion Elix Skipper pinned Kwee Wee… Cpl. Cajun (Lash Leroux) & Lt. Loco (Chavo Guerrero, Jr.) & Sgt. AWOL (The Wall) beat Three Count (Shane Helms & Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)… Ron & Don Harris beat Kronik (Brian Clark & Bryan Adams) in a first blood chain match… WCW U.S. champion Lance Storm pinned General Rection (Hugh Morris)… Disco Inferno & Big Vito & Rey Misterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera & Konnan & Paul Orndorff & Tygress battled Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Hare & Mike Sanders & Chuck Palumbo & Sean Stasiak & Reno & Johnny the Bull in an elimination match which was ended due to an injury to Paul Orndorff… Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson beat Billy Kidman & Madusa in a scaffold match… Sting beat The Great Muta and Vampiro in a triangle match… Mike Awesome pinned Jeff Jarrett in a bunkhouse match. Actor Gary Coleman was hit with a guitar during the match… Scott Steiner defeated Bill Goldberg… Booker T pinned Kevin Nash in a steel cage match to win the WCW World heavyweight title.
Scott Armstrong and Cpl. Cajun (Lash LeRoux) Photo by Karl Stern
09-22-2000: ECW TNN TV Taping: in Salem, NH: Ice Center drawing 1,500: Michael Shane beat Red Dogg… Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Julio Dinero beat Prodigy… The Blue Boy beat Nova… Prodigette beat Jazz… Mikey Whipwreck beat Psicosis… ECW tag team champions Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Jack Victory & The Blacksmith beat Lou E. Dangerously & Bilvis Wesley & CW Anderson in a handicap match… Balls Mahoney beat EZ Money & Chris Hamrick in a handicap street fight match… Justin Credible & Danny Daniels & Rhino beat Steve Corino & Jerry Lynn & HC Loc… Rob Van Dam & Kid Kash beat The Baldies.
09-23-2000: WWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 19,530: The Rock & Triple H & The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit & Kane… Chris Jericho & Rikishi defeated Eddie Guerrero & X-Pac (Sean Waltman)… The Goodfather (Charles Wright) & Val Venis defeated APA (Farooq & Bradshaw)… Steve Blackman defeated Gangrel in a hardcore match… Jerry Lawler & The Kat defeated Tazz & Ivory… Edge & Christian defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley)… Test & Albert (Matt Bloom) & Jackie defeated Lita & Matt & Jeff Hardy… WWF European champion Al Snow defeated Perry Saturn… Too Cool (Scottie Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay) defeated D’Lo Brown & Chaz.
09-24-2000: WWF Unforgiven PPV: in Philadelphia, PA at the First Union Center drawing 18,092: The Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan & Val Venis & Steven Richards & Goodfather) beat The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) & The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley)… Tazz defeated Jerry Lawler by TKO in a strap match… WWF Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman was the final winner of a Hardcore battle royal. Also in the match were: Crash, Sho Funaki, Perry Saturn, Al Snow, and Test. All winners won the WWF Hardcore Title… Chris Jericho pinned X-Pac… Matt & Jeff Hardy beat Edge & Christian in a steel cage match to win the WWF World tag team titles… WWF Intercontinental champion Eddie Guerrero beat Rikishi via DQ… Triple H pinned Kurt Angle in a no DQ match. Mick Foley was the special referee… WWF heavyweight champion The Rock beat The Undertaker, Kane & Chris Benoit in a Fatal Four Way match when he pinned Benoit.
09-26-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,100: Shown on Japanese PPV: Chocoball Mukai & Tomokazu Mortia beat Satoshi Makita & Yoshito Sasaki… Ricky Fuji & Asuza Kudo & Emi Motokawa & Jun Kasanagi beat Kyoko Inoue & Flying Kid Ichihara & Shinjuku Shark & Kaoruka Arai… Jado & Gedo beat Alex Porteau & Brian Madness… Masato Tanaka & Hisakatsu Oya & Naohiro Yamazaki beat Kintaro Kanemura & Hideki Hosaka & Mammoth Sasaki… Mr. Gannosuke & Goemon beat Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Onryo… WEW champion Kodo Fuyuki drew Hayabusa (60:00) in an ironman match.
09-29-2000: AAA: Verano de Escandalo 2000: in Madero, Mexico: drawing 15,000: Octagoncito & Mascarita Sagrada 2000 & Mini Path Finder beat Mini Abismo Negro & Mini Psicosis & Rocky Marvin via DQ… Oscar Sevilla & Ludxor & Path Finder & Pegasso beat Gran Apache & Mr. Condor & Marabunta & Angel Mortal…. Alda Moreno & Lady Apache & Ayako Hamada beat Aja Kong & Miss Janeth & Tiffany… Charley Manson & Nygma & May Flowers & Picudo battled Maniaco & Histeria & Psicosis & Mosco de la Merced to a double count out… Sangre Chicana & El Alebrije & La Parka II & Dos Caras beat El Texano & Pirata Morgan & Espectro, Jr. & Cobarde… Abismo Negro pinned Cibernetico… Heavy Metal & Perro Aguayo, Jr. beat Latin Lover & Hector Garza via DQ.
CMLL: 67th Anniversary Show: in Mexico City, Mexico: Arena Mexico drawing 13,400: Alan Stone & Moto Cross beat Mano Negra, Jr. & Sombra de Plata… Felino & Antifaz del Norte & Olimpico beat Sanshiro Takagi & Secret Sasuke & Nosawa… El Satanico & Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero beat Atlantis & Villano III & Brazo de Plata… Gigante Silva & Rayo de Jalisco Jr. & Perro Aguayo beat Scorpio Jr. & Shocker & Bestia Salvaje & Zumbido in a handicap match… Negro Casas pinned Dr. Wagner, Jr. to win the Legend of the Silver Mask 2000.
10-01-2000: ECW Anarchy Rulz 2000: in Minneapolis, MN: Roy Wilkens Auditorium drawing 4,600: Shown live on PPV: Dark match: Nova pinned Bilvis Wesley…. Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Christian York & Joey Matthews…Kid Kash pinned EZ Money… Joel Gertner pinned Cyrus… Tony DeVito & Angel beat Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy… Steve Corino pinned CW Anderson… ECW tag team champions Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Yoshihiro Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Rob Van Dam… Jerry Lynn pinned Justin Credible to win the ECW World title.
10-07-2000: ECW TNN TV Tapings: in Milwaukee, WI: The Rave drawing 1,500: Bilvis Wesley beat Michael Shane… Christian York & Joey Matthews beat Chris Chetti & Simon Diamond… Rhino beat Prodigy… ECW tag team champion Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill… Balls Mahoney battled Yoshihiro Tajiri to a no contest… Kid Kash & Sandman beat Chris Hamrick & Julio Dinero… ECW World champion Jerry Lynn beat CW Anderson and Steve Corino in a three way dance… New Jack pinned Justin Credible… Rob Van Dam pinned EZ Money.
10-09-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) holds Do Judge! at the Tokyo Egg Dome with an announced attendance of 64,000. Results: Shinya Hashimoto defeated Tatsumi Fujinami… Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Super Delfin… Don Frye defeated Takashi Iizuka… IWGP Junior heavyweight championship: Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeated Koji Kanemoto… IWGP tag team championship: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima defeated Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata… Steve Williams defeated Scott Norton… Masahiro Chono & Mr. T (Tatsutoshi Goto not the famous U.S. actor) defeated Masanobu Fuchi & Shiro Koshinaka… Toshiaki Kawada defeated Kensuke Sasaki.
10-14-2000: NWA 52nd Anniversary Show: in Nashville, TN: Nashville Fairgrounds drawing 360: Lazz beat AJ Styles via DQ… Chris Champion beat Slash via countout… The Damaja & Nick Dinsmore beat Flash Flanagan & Rob Conway… James Storm pinned Bully Douglas… NWA Women's champion Strawberry pinned Lelani Kai… Vince Kaplack pinned Tony Kozina to win the NWA World Junior Heavyweight title… NWA World tag team champions Rick Michaels & David Young beat Air Paris & Cassidy O'Reilly… NWA World champion Mike Rapada pinned Chris Harris.
10-21-2000: The second IWA Mid-South King of the Death Match tournament is held in Charlestown, IN over the course of two nights, ending on October 21 and won by Rollin’ Hard.
10-22-2000: WWF No Mercy PPV: in Albany, NY at the Pepsi Arena drawing 14,342: The Dudley Boyz won a table match elimination challenge over Too Cool (Scotty Too Hottie & Brian Christopher) and D-Lo Brown & Chaz and Raven & Tazz and The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan… Chris Jericho beat X-Pac in a steel cage match… Val Venis & Steven Richards beat Chyna & Billy Gunn… Steve Austin battled Rikishi to a no contest in a "no holds barred" match… WWF European Champion William Regal pinned Naked Mideon (Dennis Knight)… The Conquistadors (Edge & Christian) beat Matt & Jeff Hardy to win the WWF World tag team title… Triple H pinned Chris Benoit… Kurt Angle pinned The Rock to win the WWF World Title.
10-28-2000: All-Japan Pro Wrestling: 28th Anniversary Show: in Tokyo, Japan
Budokan Hall drawing 16,300: Giant Kamala II (Ben Peacock) pinned Shigeo Okumura… Yasushi Kanda & Masaaki & Susumu Mochizuki beat Gran Naniwa & Ryuji Hijikata & Taru… Shiro Koshinaka & Nobutaka Araya beat Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn) & George Hines (AKA: Jackie Fulton)… Masa Fuchi & Yoshiaki Fujiwara & Johnny Smith beat Steve Williams & Stan Hansen & Wolfe Hawkfield (Jim Steele)… Jinsei Shinzaki & Masahito Kakihara beat Tayo Kea & Mohammed Yone… Genichiro Tenryu pinned Toshiaki Kawada to win the vacant All Japan Triple Crown title.
10-29-2000: WCW Halloween Havoc: in Las Vegas, NV: MGM Grand Garden Arena: drawing 7,582: Shown live on PPV: WCW World tag team champions Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Hare beat Billy Kidman & Rey Misterio, Jr. and Disco Inferno & Alex Wright in a triangle… WCW Hardcore champion Reno pinned AWOL (AKA: The Wall)… Lt. Loco (Chavo Guerrero, Jr.) & Cpl. Cajun (Lash Leroux) beat Sean Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo… Konnan & Tygress beat Shane Douglas & Torrie… Buff Bagwell beat David Flair in a first blood match… Mike Sanders beat Ernest Millers via countout in a kickboxing match. Miller was actually counted out AFTER the match was over… Mike Awesome pinned Vampiro… Gen. Rection (Hugh Morris) beat Lance Storm & Jim Duggan in a handicap match to win the WCW U.S. title… Jeff Jarrett pinned Sting… WCW World champion Booker T beat Scott Steiner via DQ… Bill Goldberg beat Bryan Adams & Bryan Clark in a handicap match
FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,150: Shown on Japanese PPV: Chocoball Mukai & Satoshi Makita beat Naohiro Yamazaki & Tomokazu Morita… Jado beat Shinjuku Shark… Asuza Kudo & Emi Motokawa beat Kyoko Inoue & Flying Kid Ichihara… Gedo beat Tetsuhiro Kuroda… WEW tag team champions Tamon Honda & Masamichi Marufuji beat Hisakatsu Oya & Ricky Fuji… Masato Tanaka & Hideki Hosaka & Mammoth Sasaki beat Kintaro Kanemura & Supreme & Homeless Jimmy… Hayabusa & Onryo beat Kodo Fuyuki & Goemon.
11-05-2000: ECW November to Remember 2000: in Chicago, IL: The Odeum drawing 4,600: Shown live on PPV: Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger beat Christian York & Joey Matthews… Kid Kash pinned CW Anderson… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill & Spike Dudley beat EZ Money & Julio Dinero & Chris Hamrick… Nova pinned Chris Chetti in a loser leaves town match… Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy beat Tony DeVito & Angel in a flaming tables match… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned New Jack… ECW tag team champions Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke beat Yoshihiro Tajiri & Super Crazy. Crazy replaced an "injured" Mikey Whipwreck half way through the match… Steve Corino won a double jeopardy match to win the ECW World title over Sandman and Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn.
11-12-2000: FMW: in Yokohama, Japan: Bunka Gym drawing 2,500: Shown on Japanese PPV: Ricky Fuji beat Chocoball Mukai… Flying Kid Ichihara beat Shinjuku Shark… WEW Six Man tag team champions Jado & Gedo & Kaori Nakayama beat Brad Elliot & Damien Blade & Pat Tanaka… Kyoko Inoue beat Naohiro Yamazaki… Hisakatsu Oya beat Asuza Kudo & Emi Motokawa in a handicap match… Hideki Hosaka & Mammoth Sasaki beat Supreme & Homeless Jimmy to win the WEW Hardcore tag team titles… Onryo beat Goemon… Tetsuhiro Kuroda beat Mr. Gannosuke… WEW Hardcore champion Kintaro Kanemura beat Masato Tanaka… WEW champion Kodo Fuyuki beat Hayabusa.
11-16-2000: WCW Millennium Final: in Oberhausen, Germany: Arena Oberhausen drawing 9,000: Shown live on German PPV: Kronik (Bryan Clark & Brian Adams) beat Rey Misterio, Jr. & Billy Kidman… Mike Awesome won a royal rumble. Also in the match were: Brian Adams, Bryan Clark, Disco Inferno, Fit Finlay, Mark Jindrak, Billy Kidman, Konnan, Kwee Wee, Ernest Miller, Rey Misterio Jr., Sean O'Hare, General Rection (Hugh Morris), Mike Sanders, Elix Skipper, Norman Smiley, Lance Storm, and Alex Wright… Kwee Wee pinned Elix Skipper… Ernest Miller pinned Mike Sanders… General Rection (Hugh Morris) beat WCW U.S. champion Lance Storm via DQ… Norman Smiley beat Fit Finlay… Alex Wright & General Rection (Hugh Morris) beat Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Hare to win the WCW World tag team titles. In the U.S., the match was portrayed as if Alex Wright & Disco Inferno had won the title… Kevin Nash beat Mike Awesome and Alex Wright in a triangle match… WCW World champion Booker T pinned Scott Steiner… WCW European Cup champion Sting beat Kevin Nash. Boxer Axel Schultz was the guest referee.
11-19-2000: WWF Survivor Series in Tampa, FL at the Ice Palace drawing 16,533: Steve Blackman & Crash & Molly Holly beat Test & Albert & Trish Stratus… Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko & Eddie Guerrero & Perry Saturn beat Billy Gunn & Road Dogg & Chyna & K-Kwik (Ron Killings) in an elimination match. Benoit & Saturn were the survivors… Kane pinned Chris Jericho… WWF European champion William Regal beat Hardcore Holly via DQ… The Rock pinned Rikishi… WWF Women's champion Ivory pinned Lita… WWF heavyweight champion Kurt Angle pinned The Undertaker. Eric Angle was hidden under the ring and played a part in the finish… The Dudleys (Bubba Ray & D-Von) & Matt & Jeff Hardy beat Edge & Christian & Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather in an elimination match. Jeff was the sole survivor… Steve Austin battled Triple H to a no contest in a no DQ match. The match ended when Austin dropped the car Triple H was in from a forklift.
11-26-2000: WCW Mayhem: in Milwaukee, WI: Cellular Arena drawing 3,800: Shown live on PPV: WCW Cruiserweight champion Mike Sanders pinned Kwee Wee… Three Count beat Evan Karagias & Jamie Knoble and The Jung Dragons in a triangle… Mancow pinned Jimmy Hart… WCW Hardcore champion Crowbar beat Reno and Big Vito in a triangle match… Rey Misterio, Jr. & Billy Kidman beat Alex Wright & Kronik (Bryan Clark & Brian Adams) in a "handicap" match… Ernest Miller pinned Shane Douglas… Bam Bam Bigelow pinned AWOL (AKA: The Wall)… Gen. Rection (Hugh Morris) pinned Lance Storm to win the WCW U.S. title… Jeff Jarrett pinned Buff Bagwell… Kevin Nash & Diamond Dallas Page beat Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak to win the WCW World tag team title. The belts were later returned to Palumbo & Stasiak… Bill Goldberg pinned Lex Luger… Scott Steiner defeated Booker T in a straight jacket steel cage match to win the WCW World title.
11-28-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall: Shown on Japanese PPV: Kyoko Inoue & Aja Kong beat Emi Motokawa & Azusa Kudo… Onryo beat Goemon… FMW WEW Hardcore tag team champions Mammoth Sasaki & Hideki Hosaka beat Supreme & Pogo the Clown… Kodo Fuyuki & Kintaro Kanemura & Tetsuhiro Kuroda beat Masato Tanaka & Jado & Gedo.
12-02-2000: WWF Rebellion PPV: in Sheffield, UK at Sheffield Arena drawing 11,077: Shown live on UK PPV: The Dudleys (Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley) beat Edge & Christian and Test & Albert in a tables elimination match… WWF Women’s Champion Ivory pinned Lita… WWF Hardcore champion Steve Blackman pinned Perry Saturn… Crash Holly pinned William Regal to win the WWF European title… Chyna & Billy Gunn beat Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko… Kane pinned Chris Jericho… WWF World tag team champions Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather beat Matt & Jeff Hardy… The Undertaker pinned Chris Benoit… WWF heavyweight champion Kurt Angle beat Rikishi and Steve Austin and The Rock in a fatal four way match.
12-03-2000: ECW Massacre on 34th Street: in New York City, NY: Hammerstein Ballroom drawing 2,600: Shown live on PPV: Dark match: New Jack beat Angel… Dark match: HC Loc beat Danny Daniels… Christian York & Joey Matthews beat Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger… EZ Money pinned Balls Mahoney… Nova pinned Julio Dinero… Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill beat Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke to win the ECW tag team titles… CW Anderson pinned Tommy Dreamer… ECW TV champion Rhino pinned Spike Dudley… Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Super Crazy & Kid Kash… ECW World champion Steve Corino beat Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn in a three way dance.
12-05-2000: WWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Heat and SmackDown TV taping: In a four way match: Kurt Angle and Steve Austin and The Rock and The Undertaker battled to a no contest… Road Dogg & K-Kwik (Ron Killings) defeated Edge & Christian… Chris Jericho & Hardcore Holly defeated Kane & William Regal… Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus by DQ… Val Venis & Ivory defeated Billy Gunn & Chyna… Chris Benoit defeated Steve Blackman… Perry Saturn defeated Taka Michinoku… D’Lo Brown & Chaz defeated Too Cool (Scottie Too Hottie & Grandmaster Sexay)… Tazz defeated Crash Holly… Essa Rios defeated Chris Chetti… Charlie & Russ Haas defeated Rodney & Pete Gas.
12-08-2000: AAA: Guerra de Titanes 2000: in Madero, Mexico: Convention Center drawing 13,500: Picudo & Nygma & May Flowers & Espiritu beat Los Spice Boys… Octagon & La Parka II & Dos Caras Jr. & Hong Kong Lee beat Pirata Morgan & El Texano & Cobarde & Espectro Jr. via DQ… El Canek & Dos Caras & Mascara Sagrada beat Jerry Estrada & The Headhunters via DQ… Abismo Negro battled Cibernetico to a no contest in a steel cage match… Hector Garza & Latin Lover beat Heavy Metal & Perro Aguayo, Jr. in an extreme steel cage match.
12-09-2000: All-Japan Pro Wrestling: in Tokyo, Japan: Budokan Hall drawing 14,500: Gran Naniwa pinned Ryuji Hijkata… Masahito Kakihara beat Dan Kroffat… Barry Windham & Kendall Windham beat Nobutaka Araya & Shigeo Okamura… Steve Williams & Mike Rotundo beat Taiyo Kea & Johnny Smith… Toshiaki Kawada & Masa Fuchi beat Mike Barton (AKA: Bart Gunn) & Jim Steele… Genichiro Tenryu & Mitsuya Nagai beat Yoshiaki Fujiwara & Mohammed Yone… Steve Williams & Mike Rotundo beat Toshiaki Kawada & Masa Fuchi to win the 2000 Real World Tag League tournament.
12-10-2000: WWF Armageddon in Birmingham, AL at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center drawing 14,920: Dark Match: Scott Too Hottie defeated D-Lo Brown… Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn & Eddie Guerrero beat Lita & Matt & Jeff Hardy in an elimination match. Malenko was the sole survivor… WWF European champion William Regal pinned Hardcore Holly… Val Venis pinned Chyna… Chris Jericho beat Kane in a last man standing match… Edge & Christian beat The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray & D-Von) and Road Dogg & K-Kwik and The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan in a fatal four way match to win the WWF World tag team titles… Chris Benoit beat Billy Gunn to win the WWF Intercontinental title… WWF Women's Champ Ivory beat Trish Stratus and Molly Holly in a triangle match… WWF heavyweight champion Kurt Angle beat The Rock and Steve Austin and Rikishi and Triple H and The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match.
FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,100: Shown on Japanese PPV: Hisakatsu Oya beat Chocoball Mukai… Ricky Fuji & Flying Kid Ichihara beat Shinjuku Shark & Naohiro Yamazaki… Kyoko Inoue beat Takako Inoue… Mammoth Sasaki & Hideki Hosaka beat Tomokazu Morita & Yoshito Sasaki & Satoshi Makita… Onryo defeated Goemon… Masato Tanaka & Jado & Gedo & Kaori Nakayama beat Kodo Fuyuki & Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Kintaro Kanemura & Asuza Kudo.
12-14-2000: New Japan Pro Wrestling: The Second Judgment: in Osaka, Japan: Furitsu Gym drawing 6,700: Shown live on Japanese PPV: 0.9: Super Strong Machine & Kensuke Sasaki beat Masahiro Chono & Team 2000 Machine (Tatsutoshi Goto)… Yutaka Yoshie beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan… Michiyoshi Ohara pinned Kendo Kashin… Satoshi Kojima pinned Kenzo Suzuki… Jushin Liger & Minoru Tanaka & Shinya Makabe beat Super Delfin & Tsubasa & Takehiro Murakawa… Manabu Nakanishi beat Osamu Nishimura… Tatsumi Fujinami beat Koji Kanemoto… Toshiaki Kawada & Masa Fuchi drew Takashi Iizuka & Yuji Nagata.
12-15-2000: CMLL: Sin Piedad: in Mexico City, Mexico: Arena Mexico drawing 14,000
Shown live on Mexican PPV: Ricky Marvin & Sombra de Plata beat Alan & Chris Stone… Violencia & Bestia Salvaje & Fuerza Guerrera beat Tony Rivera & Felino & Safari… Los Villanos III & IV & V beat Dr. Wagner Jr. & Blue Panther & Black Warrior… Atlantis & Mr. Niebla & Satanico beat Shocker & Tarzan Boy & Emilio Charles Jr… CMLL tag team champions Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero beat El Hijo del Santo & Negro Casas… Perro Aguayo pinned Cien Caras in a hair vs. hair match.
12-17-2000: WCW Starrcade: in Washington, DC: MCI Center drawing 6,596: Shown live on PPV: Three Count beat The Jung Dragons and Jamie Knoble & Evan Karagias in a triangle ladder match… Lance Storm pinned Ernest Miller… Terry Funk pinned Crowbar (Devon Storm) to win the WCW Hardcore title… Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) battled Big Vito & Reno to a no contest… Mike Awesome beat Bam Bam Bigelow in an ambulance match… WCW U.S. champion General Rection (Hugh Morris) beat Shane Douglas via DQ… Jeff Jarrett & Ron & Don Harris beat Konnan & Rey Misterio Jr. & Billy Kidman in a bunkhouse street fight… Diamond Dallas Page & Kevin Nash beat Shawn Stasiak & Chuck Palumbo to win the WCW World tag team titles… Bill Goldberg pinned Lex Luger… WCW World champion Scott Steiner defeated Sid Vicious when the match was stopped due to a badly broken leg by Sid Vicious who attempted a kick off the ropes but his leg snapped in a gruesome injury.
12-20-2000: FMW: in Tokyo, Japan: Korakuen Hall drawing 2,100: Shown on Japanese PPV: Tomokazu Morita beat Satoshi Makita… Ricky Fuji & Flying Kid Ichihara beat Chocoball Mukai & Yoshito Sasaki… Kyoko Inoue & Tanny Mouse & Yuka Miyazaki beat Yoshiko Tamura & Genki Misae & Yuka Nakamura… Hideki Hosaka beat Mammoth Sasaki and Asuza Kudo… Goemon & Onryo beat Shinjuku Shark & Naohiro Yamazaki… Kodo Fuyuki & Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Kintaro Kanemura beat Masato Tanaka & Jado & Gedo in a barbwire street fight match.
12-23-2000: NOAH: PPV: Great Voyage: in Tokyo, Japan: Ariake Coliseum drawing 12,000: Shown live on Japanese PPV: Tsuyoshi Kikuchi & Kenta Kobayashi beat Kishin Kawabata & Scorpio… Haruka Eigen & Jun Izumida & Satoru Asako beat Rusher Kimura & Mitsuo Momota & Makoto Hashi… Kentaro Shiga & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Takeshi Morishima beat Masao Inoue & Takeshi Rikio & Takashi Sugiura… Kodo Fuyuki & Tatsuhiro Kuroda beat Tamon Honda & Masamichi Marufuji to win the FMW WEW tag team title… Yoshinari Ogawa & Daisuke Ikeda beat Masashi Aoyagi & Akitoshi Saito… Yoshihiro Takayama pinned Akira Taue… Shinya Hashimoto pinned Takao Omori… Mitsuharu Misawa pinned Big Van Vader (Leon White)… Kenta Kobashi pinned Jun Akiyama.
12-24-2000: All-Japan Women: Wrestlemarinpiad 2000 in Yokohama, Japan: Bunka Gym drawing 2,850: Mika Nishio drew Terashita… Takako Inoue beat Miyuki Fuji… Reggie Bennett beat Nanae Takahashi… Momoe Nakanishi beat Miho Wakizawa… Kaoru Ito beat Kayo Noumi… Manami Toyota beat Takako Inoue… Yumiko Hotta beat Kaoru Ito… Manami Toyota beat Reggie Bennett… Momoe Nakanishi beat Yumiko Hotta… AJW All-Pacific champion Tomoko Watanabe beat Kumiko Maekawa… Manami Toyota beat Momoe Nakanishi to win the Soft On Demand Tournament.
DragonKingKarl (Karl Stern) is a long time pro wrestling historian who has been published in books, newsletters, and podcasts since the mid-1990s.
The Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling Zone is Karl Stern's attempt to chronicle the entire history of pro wrestling and is a work in progress with hundreds of pages of text added each month.
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