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DragonKingKarl Stern’s 1984-1985 Pro Wrestling Omnibus book is now available from Amazon. The paperback book is over 600 pages (also available on Kindle!). Every major event, show, incident, and item of historical significance to take place in pro wrestling in 1984-1985! Check it out!

Feature Article

Feature Article

Batman in Order - Detective Comics Issue 33 - The Seventh Appearance of The Batman

The seventh appearance of The Batman took place in the November 1939 issue of Detective Comics. Batman, complete with what appears to be a gun holster on his belt appears on the cover. We finally, after six previous issues, get an origin story for Bruce Wayne’s transformation into Batman. It is the now familiar story of the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne following a movie with their young son Bruce looking on. Read More.

Feature Article

Feature Article

The True Story of the 1870 Detroit International Tournament

And How Col. James H. McLaughlin Really Became American Champion and Probably Did Not Kill Barney Smith (Yet): A Patreon Exclusive

This is the rough draft section of this story from my upcoming DragonKingKarl's Pioneer Era Wrestling Omnibus book. This is new information which I have researched this week. I have spent hours digging through dozens of newspapers to finally get a fully and detailed story about the Detroit International Tournament, the biggest event to that date in pro wrestling history. Read More.

1000 Hours Podcast - Pioneer Era in Australia and Death of a Star

The latest in the 1000 Hours Podcast series looking back at the pioneer (pre-1900) era of pro wrestling takes a look at the pioneer era of wrestling in Australia. Believe it or not, there was pro wrestling in the 1800s in Australia and one of America's top stars died there. The incredible story of the death of Clarence Whistler has been often told but the details are a bit incorrect. On this episode we will look at what is really known about how and why Clarence Whistler died while wrestling in Australia plus his last match there and why he was there to begin with. This is hour 45.

In order to get another hour of 1000 hours we need a new Patreon supporter at any level or a cash donation via the front page of WhenItWasCool.com to either PayPal or CashApp (Please put “1000” in the note). As soon as it is received, I will produce a new hour. Presently, we are funded up to hour 61.

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/dragonkingkarlclassicwrestling/45_1000_Hours_Pioneer_Wrestling_Australia.mp3

Photo by Tonya from When It Was Cool

The Terrible History of the Cecil Hotel (A Fireside Chat Special) Podcast

Recently Karl and Tonya spent time in Los Angeles and not just the glitzy Hollywood side. As part of our effort to not only cover fun retro pop culture but also to not shy away from the flip side of things either, and make no mistake, the devil has angels too. This is the terrible history of the Cecil Hotel. A hotel where death after death has occurred, murders, the Night Stalker stayed there for Pete's sake while committing his murders. This is not a happy story and listener discretion is advised. You are entering the gray area. Click Here for Show.

DragonKingKarl Classic Wrestling Show - Bray Wyatt Documentary, Bruno Sammartino, more

Karl is back with a look at the new WWE Network Bray Wyatt documentary which dives into his career, characters, and family which include classic era wrestlers Mike Rotundo, Blackjack Mulligan, and Barry and Kendal Windham. This was a very good documentary that fills in a lot of gaps about the death of Wyatt. Also, in the show we conclude the Bruno Sammartino biography from the pages of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter by Dave Meltzer.

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/dragonkingkarlclassicwrestling/07_DragonKingKarl_Classic_Wrestling_Show_Bray_Wyatt_Doc_and_Bruno_Sammartino.mp3

Wrestling With the Dawg Podcast - April 4th, 1994, edition of WWF Raw

On the 375th edition of Wrestling With the Dawg Podcast at FlairFlop.com, the Dirty Dawg Darsie reviews the April 4th, 1994, edition of WWF Monday Night Raw!  Earthquake vs. Adam Bomb!  The WrestleMania X 10-Man Tag!  Jesse Ventura sues Titan Sports, McMahon vs. the Government, and so much more!

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/wrestlingwiththedog/WWTD375.mp3

Stagecoach (1986) Retro Movie Review Podcast

Willie Nelson turned 91 this week and being the American icon he is Karl and Tonya decided to review one of his western movies. This one starred not only Willie Nelson (who in his mid-50s at the time was playing Doc Holliday, a man who died at 36 years old), Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Christopherson, and Bo Duke... I mean John Schneider. Others as well, this was a packed cast. It was a perfectly fine Western movie (actually, a remake of an older movie) and really a lot of fun.

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/whenitwascool/Stagecoach_1986.mp3

Feature Article

Feature Article

The Strange Life and Times of Pioneer Era Wrestler Uzile Pricket

While working on my latest book project, DragonKingKarl’s Pioneer Era Pro Wrestling Omnibus, I have discovered many fascinating stories and people I did not previously know very much about. Few have turned out to be as interesting as Uzile Pricket. Uzile Pricket is a name I was not previously very familiar with. The bulk of my research on the pioneer era of wrestling came in the early 2000s when I first wrote my DragonKing Press Pioneers of Wrestling Special booklet. These were the wild west days of pre-1900 research. Finding old newspaper articles back then involved laborious hours spent searching through microfilm at a library somewhere that actually kept old newspapers or having contact with a wrestling historian who had previously done that hard work in their own region. Read More.

Fireside Chat with Karl and Tonya Podcast - Cross Country Adventure

We are finally back from our cross-country retirement "celebration" (more on that in this episode). We flew out of Atlanta, Georgia to Los Angeles, California then spent a few days there before driving back to Atlanta, Georgia and hitting several National Parks and points of interest across the United States. It was a journey of enlightenment and closure. It was more about understanding the world than about seeing sights. We both came away with a new understanding about life and our place in it. Come join us by the fireside as we discuss this and much more. Also, my apologies in advance to Texas. Click Here for Show.

The Burbs (1989) Retro Movie Review Podcast

Karl and Tonya from When It Was Cool review the 1989 Tom Hanks movie The Burbs! Somehow, despite seeing this movie at the movie rental store for years and years he had never seen it. This film is actually pretty great and very fun! Carrie Fischer, Corey Feldman, and a host of other familiar faces from the 1980s appear in this movie. This was a fun one and worth checking out!

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/whenitwascool/The_Burbs_1989.mp3

Butterscotch Lush Cake: A delicious creamy smooth Butterscotch Lush Cake with homemade crust. This dessert is easy to make and quick to fix. For a rich pie-like dessert dish try this easy to make Butterscotch Lush Cake with Tonya! Get the recipe.

Dream Scenario (2023) Movie Review Podcast

Karl and Tonya from When It Was Cool sit down to discuss the strange and conflicting 2023 drama Dream Scenario starring Nicolas Cage. This bizarre movie presents a pretty novel storyline of an unremarkable teacher who begins appearing in the dreams of people all over the world in passive situations. He becomes a viral celebrity and soon the dreams take a darker turn. This all sounds amazing, but the movie seems to lose its sense of where it is going. Join us as we discuss this very odd film.

Direct Link - https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/whenitwascool/Dream_Scenario_2023.mp3